In every aspect, the Holy Quran reflections offer us all positive affirmation to increase our hope and inner strength no matter what stage of life we are going through. At times, we all face times with negative thoughts and discouragements. This is the reason we lookout for ways through which we can cope up with these bad times.
As a Muslim, it is our firm belief that the Holy Quran reflections are our best mode of guidance and these verses readily penetrate in our hearts. These Quranic reflections vanish all our negativity thoroughly and give us peace of heart.
Under this post, we are sharing some of the Quran reflections to strengthen the remembrance of Almighty Allah with an emotional boost.
The Holy Quran Reflections with Meanings
Verse 1:
“It is You we worship and it is You, we ask for help” (1:5).
Reflection: All help is from Allah. Allah will help me always.
Above ayah is giving us all hope and strengthen our trust in Allah in every phase of life.
Verse 2:
“Keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed charity. Whatever good you store up for yourselves, you will find it with God. He sees everything you do” (2:110).
Reflection: Allah sees the good deeds that I do.
No deed is hidden from the Almighty either it is bad or good. We will be rewarded for every tiny deed and this thought gives us a positive way to live with kindness.
Verse 3:
“…God is Most Compassionate and Most Merciful towards people” (2:143)
Reflection: Almighty Allah is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
With this verse, it is so apparent that Almighty Allah loves us more than 70 mothers and He overlooks our faults.
“So remember Me; I will remember you…” (2:152)
Reflection: If I remember Allah, He will remember me.
This verse inspires us to remain in a state of remembrance of Allah.
5. Verse 5:
“Those who say, when afflicted with a calamity, ‘We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return” (2:156)
Reflection: It is so soothing to know that when we face a problem, we say, we belong to Allah and to Him, I will return.”
How beautiful it is to remind yourself that all our life problems are temporary and we all will return to Almighty Allah and the hereafter life is permanent.
Verse 6:
“Prophet, if My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I respond to those who call Me, so let them respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be guided” (2:186).
Reflection: Allah is near to me and He responds to my prayers.
It is a reminder that either we are happy or facing sad times, we should call on Allah and tell Him all our things and only He will hear us and provide solutions for them.
Verse 7:
“God is the ally of those who believe: He brings them out of the depths of darkness and into the light…” (2:257)
Reflection: Allah is my ally and He will guide me.
At every phase of life, we need guidance and none other than the Almighty could help us. This thought will really increase our trust in the help of Allah.
Verse 8:
“Say, ‘God, Holder of all control, You give control to whoever You will and remove it from whoever You will; You elevate whoever You will and humble whoever You will. All that is good lies in Your hand: You have power over everything” (3:26).
Reflection: Allah is in control; He has power over everything.
There are several things that shake our faith at times but remind yourself that Allah is in charge of everything and this remembrance will give you everlasting hope.
Verse 9:
“You are sure to be tested through your possessions and persons. You are sure to hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with God. If you are steadfast and mindful of God, that is the best course (3:186).”
Reflection: We all face tests in life and if we stay patient and remember Allah, everything will be fine.
This verse is explaining about tests and trials and helping us to accept the reality of life while turning to Allah with great patience and hope.
Verse 10:
“God will say, ‘This is a Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. They will have gardens graced with flowing streams, there to remain forever. God is pleased with them and they with Him: that is the Supreme Triumph” (5:119).
Reflection: I speak the truth because Allah loves truthfulness.
Almighty Allah loves truthful people and being truthful leads you to have peace of mind and heart.
Through all these verses, all positive affirmations are so visible that guide us to the righteous path. The Holy Quran reflections strengthen our faith and make us stronger to cope with life shackles and please Almighty Allah.
On the closing note, here is a Hadith to nourish your belief and faith.
The Prophet said, “Indeed, having good thoughts concerning Allah is from the perfection of the worship of Allah.”
(Recorded in Tirmidhi, https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi/48/240)
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