There are a lot of times when we feel hopeless and couldn’t find a way to move on. In this difficult time, we look for the hopes in the Holy Quran and Hadiths that can guide us well and lead us through the path of hope. Our Prophet Muhammad’s teachings are full of optimism and guidance. This post will highlight Hadiths to inspire us at every stage where we find everything difficult.
Almighty Allah has described the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as,
“O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness (Shahid) and a bringer of good tidings (Basheer) and a warner (Nazeer). And one who invites to Allah (Daee) , by His permission, and an illuminating lamp (Sirajan Munira)” [Al-Ahzab 33:45-46].
Prophet Muhammad is a beacon of positivity and hope for the whole of mankind. His personality, smile, and words all reflect positive vibes and energy to everyone. Here we are mentioning some of the Hadiths that help us to stay positive and calm in all circumstances.
Hadiths to Inspire Muslim Ummah
1. Spread good news
Create ease for people in every way. Do not make them afraid instead spread positivity among people. One of the Hadiths mentions:
“Give glad tidings, and do not scare people away. Make things easy, and do not make things difficult”
(Abu Dawud).
2. Go with optimism as its an act of worship
Positivity brings goodness to our life aspects. Keep in mind that everything happens for good and Almighty Allah loves His servants more than 70 mothers. This is one of the great Hadiths to inspire us.
“Hoping for good is also an act of worship of Allah” (Tirmidhi and Hakim).
“There is no infection and there are no bad omens, but I like optimism… [Optimism is] a good word.”
3. Ask from Almighty with positivity
When you are asking from Almighty Allah, then ask with positivity and certainty that your duas will be accepted by Almighty.
“Supplicate Allah Almighty and be certain that He will answer your prayer” (Tirmidhi).
4. Be a strong believer despite of tough time
Everything happens by the will of Allah, so stay calm and patient. After every storm, we will get to peace and prosperity.
The Hadith below mentions,
“The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although there is good in each. Desire that which will bring you benefit, and seek help from Allah and do not give way to incapacity. If something happens to you, do not say, ‘If only I had done such-and-such.’ Rather say, ‘The decree of Allah. He does what He will.’ Otherwise, you will open yourself up to the action of Shaitan” (Muslim).
5. Treat others well regardless of their treatment
If someone does anything wrong with us, it doesn’t mean we should have to treat them in a similar way. The Hadith says:
“Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. But (instead) accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil” (Tirmidhi).
6. Do not lose hope in difficult times
Ask everything from Almighty Allah and you will be contented and He is all-sufficient for you.
According to Hadith, “Whoever abstains from asking others, Allah will make him contented, and whoever tries to make himself self-sufficient, Allah will make him self-sufficient. And whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience” (Bukhari).
7. Perform adhkar about God
Do Dhikr of Allah wherever you are and He will mention you in a better place. One of the Hadiths mentions:
“Allah the Highest said, ‘I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. I am with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed’” (Hadith Qudsi).
8. Istighfar is a solution for all problems
We all sin and the best human is the one who sincerely repents. Do istaghfar and seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah.
Hadith says: “Whoever does a lot of Istighfar (asking for forgiveness), Allah will provide him a way out of each concern he has, and will solve all his troubles, and will provide him with livelihood from sources that were not known to him” (Ahmad).
9. The affair of a believer is always beneficial
Either it’s the time of happiness or moments of sadness, every matter is beneficial to a believer. As the Hadith says,
“Wondrous is the affair of the believer for there is good for him in every matter and this is not the case with anyone except the believer. If he is happy, then he thanks Allah and thus there is good for him. If he is harmed, then he shows patience, and thus there is good for him” (Muslim).
10. Hope takes over our fear at the time of death
Be fearful to Allah but have firm hopes in Him that He will accept your repentance and make you enter paradise.
Once our Prophet, peace be upon him, went to a young man who was on his death bed and asked him ‘How do you feel?’ The young man said, ‘I have much hope from Allah but I also fear for my sins. The Prophet said, ‘The believer who has these two ideas simultaneously at such time, Allah fulfills his hopes and grants him security from fear’ (Tirmidhi).
11. Stay positive and productive all time
Regardless of the stages of life, be productive and remain positive throughout. Have a look at this Hadith, which says:
“If the Day of Resurrection were established upon one of you, while he has in his hand a sapling (small plant), then let him plant it.” (Ahmad).
These were 11 Hadiths to inspire Muslim Ummah in all difficult times. With these Hadiths, it is evident that every matter of Muslims is beneficial for them but often we fail to understand it and lose hope. So these Hadiths reminders are the perfect way to cope up with negativity and sadness. May Allah guide us all and lead us to a fruitful path. Aameen.
Do you know more hadiths that will inspire us? Share the Hadiths along with their references in the comment section. We at MuslimKits always welcome your thoughts and opinions. Awaiting to hear from you! JazakAllah!