We all are bounded with a lot of unnecessary things in our daily lives to the extent that we often forget our prayers and the Holy Quran. There are several small surahs that we should have to recite in our daily routine for self-betterment.
In this blog, we are sharing with you 7 Surahs of the Holy Quran to recite every day and get covered with the infinite blessings of Allah. In the Holy Quran and Hadiths, it is mentioned that by reading the Holy Quran and doing adhkar, we will find inner peace of mind and soul. So never stay behind in reciting the Holy Quran.
7 Surahs of the Holy Quran to Read (with their Importance)
Gifts of Light in the Holy Quran
In life, we often face difficulties that we find hard to get out of it. During this harder time, get into the habit of reading the Holy Quran which will enlighten your mind, heart, and soul. Make your routine to recite Surah Al Fatihah, Ayatul Kursi (Al Baqarah verse 255), Surah Al Baqarah verse 284 -286, and Surah Al Kausar. It will lead you to the four gifts of light of the Holy Quran.
Quranic Surahs to Recite After Five Prayer
Reciting the Holy Quran is always easier if we put our hearts into it. Make a routine to recite the Surahs of the Holy Quran right after prayers. After every prayer, recite in the following order. First Surah Al Fatihah (1:1-7) and then read the Ayatul Kursi (2:255).
There is no one who can stop you from entering Jannah when you read Ayatul Kursi after Fardh namaz. After that, recite surah An Nasr (110: 1-3) to get relief from difficulties. Make a routine to read this surah 7 times daily after prayer.
Read surah Fajr after offering Fajr prayer, as it will reduce your anxiety and all worries. Make sure to read surah Yaseen (36: 1-83) so that your day will be good and everything you desire will be fulfilled by the Almighty Allah. Recite Surah Asr so that you will have patience and the ability to stand for justice.
That is not all, there are a lot of Surahs that we should try to recite to reap benefits in our daily lives. Once you start reading the Holy Quran verse by verse then you will definitely become closer to the Almighty Allah.
Here are some brief benefits and descriptions given for some Surahs. Have a look!
1. Quran Surah Al-Fatihah (1:1-7)
One of the important 7 surahs of the Holy Quran is Surah Al-Fatiha. It is the opening surah of the Holy Quran and it has numerous names with different meanings. A lot of virtues are defined for Surah Al Fatiha and the phenomenon of life is hidden in this Surah.
It is also called the Al-Fatiha as the opening, Umm-al Quran as the mother of the Quran, Umm-al Kitab as the mother of the book, Sab’ul Mathani as the seven often repeated verses, Al-Hamd as the praise towards Allah, As-Salah as the prayer, Ash-Shifa as the cure, Asas Al-Quran as the fundamental of the Quran.
2. Quran Surah Al-Kahf (18: 1-110)
Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“Whoever would read Surat Al-Kahf on Friday it would provide him of light for the duration between the two Fridays.”
(Sahih Muslim)
Likewise, Tafsir ibn Kathir states “Whoever reads and memorizes the first ten verses of Surat al- Kahf will be saved from the fitnah of Al-Dajjal.”
3. Quran Surah Al-Mulk (67: 1-30)
There are greater virtues of Surah Al Mulk mentioned in the Holy Quran.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentions that:
“There is a surah in the Qur’an which is only thirty verses. It defended whoever recited it until it puts him into paradise”.
Surah Mulk will be the protector of a man from the strain of the grave. So recite it after Isha prayer.
4. Quran Surah Al-Kafirun (109: 1-6)
Make time to recite surah Al Kafirun daily. It saves and protects us from shirk. Shirk is defined as the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism.
Reciting this surah after fajar prayer will cleanse your mind from bad thoughts and make you feel the difference. Try to recite it 11 times daily.
5. The Three Quls of The Quran
The three Quls (An Nas (114: 1-6), Al Falaq (113: 1-5), and Al Ikhlas (112: 1-4)) are also know as “muawazatain”. Reciting them daily holds greater significance and rewards.
Narrated by ‘Aisha (R.A.):
“Whenever the Prophet went to bed, he used to cup his hands together and blow over it after reciting Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat Al-Falaq, and Surat An-Nas, and then rub his hands over whatever parts of his body he was able to rub, starting with his head, face, and front of his body. He used to do that three times.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari).
Reciting these Surahs daily can protect us from all harm during our sleep and when we are awake.
6. Quran surah Al Waqi’ah (56: 1-96)
Recite Surah Al Waqi’ah after maghrib prayer daily. Reciting this surah will bring you (wealth) rizq and bring rewards from the Almighty Allah.
7. Ayat Al-Kursi (2: 255)
The Ayatul Al-Kursi is one of the most significant verses of the Holy Quran. It appears in the surah Al Baqarah verse 255.
It was reported by Abu Hurairah (RA) that someone used to come upon him and take from the charity which the Prophet Muhammad had made him guardian overnight after night.
So on the third night, he said: “I will report you to the Messenger of Allah (SAW)”, ‘read ‘Ayat ‘al-Kursi completely, for there is still upon you from Allah a guardian, and no shaytan can get close to you until you enter upon morning.’ Then the prophet Muhammad said: “He told you the truth and he is a liar, (that was a shaytan).”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari).
So these are 7 surahs of the Holy Quran that you should make a habit to recite every day. Recitation of the Holy Quran will bring you closer to the Almighty Allah and give you more understanding of every verse of the Noble book. InshaAllah!
May we follow the righteous path at every step. Aameen!
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