We often hear in our lives that Allah’s plan is the best indeed. But do we really believe it with heart? Seldom with our acts and deeds, it doesn’t seem that we believe in this aspect.
Under this post, we are penning aspects that are mentioned in the Holy Quran about Allah’s plans and destination. So let us take a look here.
What does Allah say in the Quran?
Allah (SWT) has written His plans for you before you were born. Everything happens for a reason and as per the plan of Allah (SWT). Even if we are sad or happy, every aspect directs us towards an understanding of our destiny planned by Almighty.
Allah has written all things to be happened in life from beginning to end. It is the fact that it is called Al-Qadar or predestination. Allah’s plan is always glorious and important to the world.
“Know you not that Allah knows all that is in the heaven and on the earth?
Verily, it is (all) in the Book (Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz). Verily, that is easy for Allah”
(Qur’an, al-Hajj 22:70)
The interpretation of the verse is that a person has a free will to do tasks as described in Islam and putting the belief in al-qadar does not contradict anything of life. Share’ah mentions that people have the will to perform their deeds and put the sole faith in Allah (SWT).
“That is (without doubt) the True Day.
So, whosoever wills, let him seek a place with (or a way to) His Lord
(by obeying Him in this worldly life)”
(al-Naba’ 78:39)
“We revealed to Moses’ mother,
Suckle him and then when you fear for him cast him into the sea.
Do not fear or grieve; We will return him to you and make him one of the Messengers.”
(Surat al-Qasas: 28:7)
Allah’s Plan described in Hadith
In Saheeh Muslim (2653) it is narrated that:
“Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “Allah wrote down the decrees of creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth.”
Surely above Hadith tells us that whatever happens is by the will of Almighty Allah. Whatever He wills always happens, and whatever he does not will do not happen.
The above verses reflect that whatever happens in the life of a person is planned by Almighty. Sometimes people think that it is their will that they are walking, eating, and doing all the work but ultimately all these tasks could not be performed without Allah wanting them to perform. Both the will and ability of man are subject to the whole will and decree of Allah (SWT).
Thus, always have a thought that Allah has a plan for you throughout your life. However, the fulfillment of the plan depends on your efforts and it is up to the choices you make. So go up with faith and determination in life and trust Allah’s plan that He will never let you down.
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