Dua in Islam carries a significance that one cannot deny anytime. Islam is based on the idea of having a great relationship with Almighty Allah and this relationship can be formed through the communication with Allah and obviously this communication form is Dua.
As stated, dua in Islam is an integral component. Thus, there are several things taught by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Almighty Allah through which we can beautify our dua and supplications. In a few words, we can say that by adding some aspects in your dua, you can please Almighty Allah well and ask about your desires of both worlds.
Let’s have a look at the factors through which one can beautify supplications:
1. Start your duas by praising Allah and sending blessings to the Prophets
We should understand the right method to offer prayers and supplications so that the greater essence of them could be attained.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “When anyone of you supplicates (makes du’a), let him start by praising Allah, then let him send blessings upon the Prophet, then let him supplicate however he wishes.”
(Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood).
Keep in mind that start your supplication by praising Allah and thanking Him for all your blessings. For example, you can start your dua by praising Allah in your own words or by reciting Surah Fatiha or Ayat ul Kursi as these are Ayah all praising Allah.
After praising Almighty Allah, send blessings to all the prophets, from Prophet Adam (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us to be thankful to Almighty Allah as thankfulness is half of faith and it pleases Almighty Allah.
2. Have your full hope on Almighty Allah
Making dua is not just enough. Make your duas and supplications with full hope that they will be answered surely.
Abu Huraira reported: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Call upon Allah with certainty that he will answer you. Know that Allah will not answer the supplication of a heart that is negligent and distracted.”
Almighty Allah always blesses us in infinite ways and He looks for reasons to bless us and not for a reason to punish us. Pour your whole trust on Almighty Allah and have your conscious expectation that He will accept our duas and supplications.
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Allah says, ‘I am as My servant expects Me to be.’” (Bukhari)
3. Make supplication for others in their absence
Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “No Muslim servant supplicates for his brother behind his back but that the angel says: And for you the same.”
Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “No supplication is quicker to be answered than a supplication on behalf of one absent.”
We are created to please Almighty Allah and serve humanity. So it is one of the best ways to think of our family, neighbors, friends, and our local/global community in our supplications. As per the two above hadiths, the dua we do for others benefit us immensely in several ways. So dua in Islam does not only benefit one person but the whole of humanity.
4. Dua in Islam to please Him; Call Allah by his Names
The Qur’an says:
“To Allah belongs the Most Beautiful Names, so call on Him by them.”
We as Muslims know that Allah has 99 names/attributes revealed throughout the Qur’an. Allah’s 99 names reflect how His compassion, His love, and His mercy towards humanity are showering us every time while only a minority of His names describe His anger. Thus, this signifies how Allah’s mercy overshadows His anger.
When making a supplication, prefer to call Allah by His name that is relatable to what we are asking from Him. Like if we are asking for having forgiveness then say:
“O Allah, you are Al-Ghaffar (The Most-Forgiving) and Al-Ghaffur (The One Who Forgives repeatedly), so please forgive me for…”
Or if you are asking to get an increase in provisions, say like instead of saying:
“O Allah, you are Ar-Razzaq (The Provider/Sustainer), Al-Karim (The Bountiful), and Al Mughniy (The Enricher), so please bestow me with an increase in provision.”
These names are so pleasing, soothing and verily increases the chance of acceptance of our prayers. Dua in Islam carries avid importance that even they can change fates. Need is to pour out your hearts and put complete trust in Almighty that your prayers will be accepted soon by the will of Allah.
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