1. Introduction
Hazrat Aisha (RA) is the most prominent one in Islamic history. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq ( RA) and he was the closest and dearest companion of our Holy Prophet (SAW). He was the first Khalifa of the Holy Prophet (SAW).
Hazrat Aisha (RA) is the prominent personality who fought and challenged the dominant stereotypes and all restrictions of society. Her deeds greatly signify the progressive stance of women in our religion. Her life depicts that Islam prohibits discrimination and gives equal rights to men and women. She was an incisive woman who played great roles of wife, stateswoman, scholar, and a great thinker whereas she exhibited wonderful moral qualities. She became one of the most influential persons guiding people thorough out the era.
2. Her divine marriage
The demise of Hazrat Khadija (RA) saddened the Holy Prophet (SAW) to the greatest extent and he did not prefer to marry anyone for a while. He planned to pursue his mission for Islam, However, at one time, he saw a dream in which an angel gifted him something that was wrapped in silk. In the dream, our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was told that she was his wife in both lives of the world and hereafter. In the silk cover, he saw Hazrat Aisha (RA).
Hazrat Khaulah bint Hakim recommended him to marry Aisha (RA) and the Messenger (SAW) of Allah perceived it as a sign by Allah and asked Khaulah to send the proposal at Aisha (RA)’s home.
However then Hazrat Aisha (RA) got married to the Holy Prophet (SAW) but the union of them did not accomplish for several years.
3. Her age at the time of marriage
Different sources revealed a distinct age number when Hazrat Aisha (RA) got married to our Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This often becomes a controversial topic of debate. There is one hadith narrated by Hisham that reports that Hazrat Aisha (RA) was nine years old at the time of marriage. However, regarding her age, the Promised Messiahas stated in one of his writings:
“It has been written that she was nine years of age. Firstly, there is no evidence that the Holy Prophetsa stated this, nor has there been any revelation in regard to this, nor is it substantiated from the Akhbare-Mutawatirah, [sayings of the Prophet Muhammadsa reported by a large number of people] that she was certainly nine years old.
(Nur-ul-Quran, No. 2, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 9, pp. 377-378)
Another source:
Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad stated in The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophets that she (Aisha RA) may have been 12 years old.
Some modern researchers have debated the accuracy of this Hadith and depicted that she was much older. There, one of the scholars Hisham incorrectly left out the word “ashara” i.e. “ten”, after the word “tis‘ah”. It means “nine” in Arabic and this implies that she was 19 years old at the time when she entered the household of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) her husband.
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) got married to Hazrat Aisha (RA) as he saw her as a future religious scholar who can educate and train people well and give a better understanding of Islam.
4. Blessed Personality of Aisha (RA)
Her personality was a treasure with numerous blessings.
The Holy Prophet(SAW) used to say that among all his wives, it was only in her abode that he received revelation.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 3775)
The union of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Aisha (RA) was a product of the greatest divine inspiration and the angels convey their salutations to her. Hazrat Abu Salama narrates the Holy Prophet(SAW) said to Aisha (RA):
“Aisha, Gabriel conveys his Salam to you” to which she returned his greetings.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 3217)”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 3218)
The Holy Prophetsa used to say:
“The greatness of Aishara over the rest of the wives is like thareed”, i.e. the superiority that meat has over ordinary food.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 3769)
5. As the last companion
Aisha (RA) holds a blessed and unique distinction over other wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It was that the Holy Prophet(SAW) spent his last days and hours at Aisha (RA)’s house. In this regard, the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was agreed as it was in his best interest to pass the last days in Aisha’s house.
His last words were, “[I now go to] Allah, the Noblest Companion” as his head rested on the bosom of his beloved wife, Aisha(RA) .
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith no. 4463)
6. Her knowledge
When the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) passed away, she played a crucial role in conveying the knowledge ahead of that she got from our beloved prophet. She is the narrator of more than 2,200 ahadith that really guide Muslims in the matters of life. The personality of Aisha (RA) is one of the most captivating in the mainstream of Islamic intellectual history. Throughout her lifespan, she helped the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in resolving complicated issues. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said the believers to learn half of the religious knowledge from her.
Her nephew, Hazrat Urwara bin Zubair said that:
“I have never met anyone whose knowledge surpassed Hazrat Aisha’s. She was the most scholarly person of her time in the Quran, fundamentals of religion, fiqh, poetry, medicine, Arabian history, and genealogy.”
The scholars affirm that one-fourth of Islamic jurisprudence is founded on the information that she passed to the world.
7. Her demise
Aisha (RA) passed away in 678 AD. As per her wish, she got buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi alongside the rest of the noble wives of the Holy Prophet (SAW).
In a Hadith narrated on the authority of Hazrat Amr bin Al ‘As (RA)
“I came to the Holy Prophet(SAW) and asked, ‘Who is the most beloved to you?’ He replied ‘Aisha.’ ‘And who among men?’ I asked. He replied, ‘Her father.’”
(Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith no. 3662)
This was some info about the life of Hazrat Aisha (RA). If you have more informative aspects of her life then you can share with us and spread your words.