Hazrat Khadija(RA)

Birth and Geneology

Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the first wife of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). Her father’s name is Khuwaylid bin Asad and he was known as a wealthy trader. She was born in Makkah. The Geneology of our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija(SA) was similar as reaching up to Qusayy.

Her early life

She was the beholder of a wise personality and took care of all things well. Both her mother and father died close to each other like in the span of 10 years. The parents’ wealth was divided among children and Hazrat Khadijah (RA) took hold of the family business and made profits. She expanded the business and greatly helped the poor, widows, orphans, sick, and the spiked people of Makka.

One of the cousins of Khadija (RA) was Waraqa bin Naufal. He was a very learned man and did not do idol worshipping.  Hazrat Khadija and Waraqa were monotheists and always believed in one Allah from the start.

Khadija (RA) met with Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Khadija (RA) carried excellent akhlaq and this is why the Arabs called her Tahira (the pure one). She was also called as the ‘Princess of Makkah’ due to her good wealth. There, many Arab nobles showed a wish to marry Khadija (RA) but she refused their proposals.

In the year of 595 AD, Hazrat Khadija was seeking to have someone who could take charge of her caravan to Syria. It was that time when Hazrat Abu Talib(AS) recommended the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to her. Khadija (RA) already had heard of his trustworthiness and this was the reason that she quickly agreed to employ him even though he was not having much trading experience. She sent her slave Maysara to help him throughout.

This trading caravan was turned as a great success and through this caravan, Hazrat Khadija(SA) got to know the Prophet’s skills, excellent manners, and personality. Knowing all these personality aspects, she became Muhammad’s (PBUH) admirer.

Marriage with the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Later after some time, Hazrat Khadija sent a marriage proposal to the Prophet (SAW), and then soon their marriage got arranged. At that time of marriage, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was aged 25 and Hazrat Khadija(SA) was of 40 years.

Hazrat Abu Talib (RA) read the Nikah on behalf of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) whilst Waqara bin Noufal read it for Hazrat Khadija. The Mehr was paid by Hazrat Abu Talib (RA) for his nephew and he fed the people of Makka for 3 days to commemorate the celebration. Hazrat Khadija (RA) fed the people too on this happiest occasion. Indeed this was the blessed marriage and their first child was a son called Qasim whereas the second was Abdullah and they died in infancy. Hazrat Fatima (RA) was their third child.

Her sacrifices for Islam

Our Prophet (PBUH) used to go to the cave of Hira on Jabel-e-Noor. Despite the age factor, Hazrat Khadija(SA) herself climbed up to the mountain to give him food regularly. Khadija (RA) was the first one who accepted Islam as taught by the Prophet (PBUH).

In the year of 616 AD, the Quraish tribe isolated the Bani Hashim (the family of the Prophet) and then they got refuge in a ravine called Shib-e-Abu Talib. It was the critical time when Hazrat Khadija (RA) served the people and her wealth supported the Muslims at that time. She donated her wealth for Islam. However, the siege got lasted for 3 years and in this span, Muslims faced hunger, thirst, the cold, and heat of the desert.

Her Death

Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in 619 AD on the 10th of Rmazan 3 years before the Hijrah.On the time of her demise, she was having nothing from her wealth. She gave all her wealth to serve the propagation of Islam.

She was buried in Makkah in Jnaat ul Mala. However, Hazrat Abu Talib(AS) died in the same year and our Prophet (PBUH) called the year Aam-ul-Huzn (the year of grief). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not marry another woman when Khadija (RA) was alive. In later years, he always said that she was the best of his wives.

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