Hijab in Islam is a core part that teaches us different things in life. It is a protector of women from all odds and thorns. This post is dedicated to a story of how a girl learned about the Hijab and how it changed her perspective in life.
The girl named Areesha lives in California who grew up in quite an Islamic environment. She belongs to a good family that believes to see a girl in covered clothes and not to wear dresses that are above one’s knees. In the area of living society, girls are not allowed to go out without hijab.
Areesha goes into high school and she sees different girls with hijab. There, she is neither surprised nor scared but she thought that a longer hijab meant the more religious a personality. She carries neutral feelings about Hijab in Islam but really wants to learn more about it.
By the will of Almighty Allah (SWT), religious people surrounded Areesha who helped her in learning more about deen, especially Hijab in Islam. Before meeting those people, she was only aware of the culture-corrupted version of deen which people molded according to their wishes. Throughout the process, these people enabled her to accept the truth and made her believe that wearing the hijab is easier.
The best move for Hijab
Learning the perspective of Hijab made Areesha realize unseen things about life. It was the best decision she made as it came with lots of benefits. It came with inner peace along with good deeds accumulated with respect from people. People think twice before they approach or tease her in any matter. It turned out as a protector from all bad things especially stupid proposals every now and then in college and university life.
Challenges Faced
Almighty Allah stated in Qur’an:
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of people until they change what is in themselves.
Quran (13:11)
Though there are lots of challenges when a person thinks to change his/her life. But readily with the help of Allah, everything gets easier. To get towards the hijab, Areesha found that the decision making part is easy but implementing it in society is very difficult. There are people who lend a helping hand in acting upon the Hijab perspective. However, there are some bad apples that create hurdles. Leaning about Hijab in Islam made her realize that what is worth doing should be done well. Hijab brought modesty and well-being in her life.
Another verse highlighting the prospect of Hijab in Islam is:
O prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of believers to draw their cloaks (veils) over their bodies (when outdoors). That is most convenient that they could know as such (i.e decent and chaste) and not molested.
Quran (33:59)
Lesson learned by her
Throughout the learning process as a teenager, she learned that it is a life in which we should have to learn a better way to live a life. You are the only one who will be questioned about your life in the hereafter. So learn well, live well and get ready to be rewarded by Almighty Allah.
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