Having a balanced Muslim life is easy and hard at the same time. Yes, it is because every person is different and sees the situation as per their point of view. At different places in Holy Qur’an, Almighty Allah tells us the solutions to have a balanced Muslim life taking care of all aspects as described in Islam.
Set priorities for life
One can have a great life as a Muslim by having the right order of priorities. These priorities start with the fard (obligatory things), obligatory acts of worship (`ibadat) and deeds (mu`amalat) are described in Islam. Before all things, set the priorities for prayer and other fard aspects that are the pillars of Islam. After the Tawheed pillar of Islam, prayers are the second pillar to follow. Prayers five times a day are obligatory for every Muslim and it has to be done even in illness by means to offer a pray through sitting or even lying down.
In Holy Qur’an, Allah (SWT) states that:
And when you have completed the prayer, remember Allah standing, sitting, or [lying] on your sides. But when you become secure, re-establish [regular] prayer. Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times.
Quran (4:103)
Build a relation with Allah (SWT)
Our families are an important part of our lives but before any relation, we have to spend time and effort to please Allah (SWT). All things are worldly and temporary except our relation with our Almighty. So to lead a balanced Muslim life, one has to set a priority and aspects as to how he/she can be near to Allah. In this way, you will be closer to Almighty and the prospects of life will seem clear.
Organize duties
Proceeding towards balanced Muslim life requires concentration on organizing time for different duties. Obviously there are several duties regarding the world but ensure to work better for Islamic prospects. Firstly, there is a need to learn and understand Islam. This makes it easy to practice the way through which we can please Almighty Allah.
Also after having complete knowledge about Islam, one can invite others to Islam in effective ways. We can put our efforts to preach Islam as conveniently we can do.
Balancing Life and Rights with Islam
Indulging in life does not mean that we should put a whole focus on worldly desires. By keeping a tab on different points, we can lead a serene and balanced Muslim life.
As a Muslim, we should prioritize things as follow:
- Almighty Allah: Follow the commands of Allah (SWT) and worship Him.
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Act upon the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)(traditions and habits) as much as possible.
- Parents: Perform duties towards parents, obey and remain kind to them.
- Spouses and children: Take care of all rights of children and spouses while cherishing and protecting them.
- Fellow Muslims and friends: Lend a helping hand to all friends and support them in every crucial time.
- Society: Play a role in the improvement of society as much as you can. The better the society will be, the better your living will be.
From all the points, it is visible that we should have to build our own faith on Allah and understanding of Islam. This makes us lead towards to work well for our surroundings directing us to live a balanced Muslim life. If you have more things to share under this topic then let us know.