Every moment of life is uncertain but the era we are going through is really unusual and unprecedented. Obviously, we did not imagine ever before that doors of our mosques will be closed for praying. Around the world, mosques are closed for five-time daily congregational prayer while no Friday prayer is being offered and now there are restrictions to perform Tarawih in mosques.
So it is time to pray Tarawih at home and engage in spirituality. Ramadan is all about mercy and countless blessings bestowed by Almighty (SWT), thus it is a time for self-analysis and turning back to Allah ﷻ.
Indeed Ramadan is a great opportunity for refocusing and renewing our faith as well as strengthening our relationship with Almighty Allah. This month, we spend days in fasting while nights in praying and reciting Holy Quran. However, one of the special acts we perform is Tarawih where we listen to the beautiful and eloquent recitation of Imam and feel the in-depth words of Allah (SWT)
Pray Tarawih at Home
The Prophet ﷺ established Tarawih in Ramadan and encouraged his companions to perform it as well.
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAwf (ra) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said, “Allah has made fasting the month of Ramadān obligatory upon you and I have made standing in prayer during its nights a practice.”
Abū Hurairah narrated that the Prophet ﷺ encouraged all his companions to stand in prayer at night without commanding them to do so.
He would say, “Whoever stands in prayer at night during Ramadān with faith and expecting reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.”
So even this quarantine time is difficult especially in Ramadan but Sunnah of Tarwaih can be fulfilled by praying tarawih at home.
We are stating here some guidance so that you can know how to pray Tarawih at home when Mosques are closed.
Guidelines to follow
1) Get to a clean and comfortable place of your home and dedicate this place to pray Tarawih for the whole month.
2) Select a time to pray Isha where you can have no disturbances in that specific time. Give the adhān, iqāmah, and pray with other members or if you are living alone then still give the adhān and iqāmah as it reflects you will be leading an honorable congregation of Angels.
3) After performing Isha prayer, recite the adhkār and make dua comprehensively.
4) Pray the two Rakats of sunnah prayer after ʿIshā’.
5) After that, you will pray tarawih as you do in the mosque. Rakats of Tarawih are 20 in which you can recite as much Quran you remember or feeling convenient. Also, you can read from the mushaf.
6) However, if you are reading from the mushaf, attempt to complete one juz in a night. If you are not convenient doing so then you can recite as much as you can.
7) Not just reciting and reading is enough, try your best to understand the translation, commentary (tafsir), and reflect upon the meanings as well.
8) After 10 Rakats, recite dua-e-tarawih and offer the remaining 10 Rakats and make dua.
These are the guidelines to know for how to pray tarawih at home. May Allah ﷻ guide us and enable us to take greater benefits out of this blessed month and forgive us for all our sins and remove this pandemic so sooner from this world.