Infaq in Islam

Infaq is the word coming from the Arabic language. It is defined as a type of charity in Islam that is given to others without possessing expectation of reward or return by the other person.

Infaq is Islam carries significant importance and it is given for the betterment of society and to please Almighty Allah. It is one of Allah’s blessings that Infaq does not make the giver lose his or her wealth. Allah promises that the same or increased amount will be returned to the giver.

Infaq in Islam

The importance of Infaq in Quran

In Isam, Infaq is an individual obligation on us and Zakat is a form of Infaq. It is recognized as a religious-based circumstantial, voluntary and social obligation.

“The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of God is that of a grain of corn: it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. God gives manifold increase to whom He pleases: And God cares for all and He knows all things” (Quran 2: 261).

Conditions of Infaq in Holy Quran

The Quran mentions different conditions regarding Infaq:

Infaq should be for the pleasure of Allah (Al Quran 2:177).

It should be for the welfare of the poor and without any expectations of reward (Al Quran 2:262).

Infaq should not be given for the purpose of pretense or to show off (Al Quran 2:264).

It is better to give Infaq than to give it openly (Al Quran 2:271).

Infaq should be out of Islamically permissible income and assets (Al Quran 2:267).

Infaq should be given before death (Al Quran 63:10).

Benefits of Infaq in Islam

Allah (SWT) is so merciful and rewards every good deed. In the same way, when a Muslim gives Infaq and does not expect any reward by a person but only does Infaq for the sake of Allah then surely Allah presents greater benefits to him.

The Benefits of Monetary Infaq in Quran

At several places, Allah (SWT) mentions that the person doing Infaq will get the same return he spent and it is mentioned as the minimum return by Almighty Allah. Different verses mention that the rewards will be many times higher than the amount spent.

The return may be increased to twice the amount given (28:54).

The rewards by Infaq may increase many times (30:39).

It may be more than 700 times the initial amount (Quran 2:261).

The Benefits of Non-Monetary Infaq in Quran

Infaq is one of the greatest and honorable acts of kindness. It is for Allah’s sake alone and to please him. Moreover, it purifies hearts and minds while leading to a peaceful state.

The Prophet said, “The Lord’s commandment for every one of His slaves is, ‘Spend on others, and I will spend on you’”(Bukhari, Muslim).

Indeed it helps in the difficulties of life and serves as a shield to protect the giver.

The Prophet said, “Verily charity appeases the wrath of Allah and eases the sufferings of death” (Tirmidhi).

It leads to improvement in one’s character.

The Prophet said, “there are two habits which are never present together in a believer: miserliness and bad manners”(Tirmidhi).

The giver will get Almighty Allah’s protection on the Day of Judgment. In the Hadith of Bukhari, it is mentioned that seven types of people will receive Allah’s shade of protection and among them, one will be the one who gives charity so secretly that his left-hand does not know what his right hand has given. So the giver will get the best house in Paradise.

Give Beyond the Requirements

Allah tells the believer to spend the things that they don’t require and have in excess. Holy Quran mentions Infaq almost 60 times. Infaq is the redistribution of wealth that contributes to the suppression of poverty in societies. So Allah (SWT) commands this elementary pious spending for His pleasure and sake.

Infaq is an important tool of the income distribution. Thus, At different places of the Quran, Allah says to Muslims to not only give Infaq but give as much as one can do beyond the requirements.

“They ask you how much they are to spend; Say: ‘What is beyond your needs.’” (Quran 2:219)

Infaq in Islam holds vital place and these are the benefits and rewards in the light of Quran and Hadiths.  If you have more information on Infaq then do share with us.
