Islam and Christanity

Many people perceive different things about religions as per their differences and similarities. Islam and Christianity are two of the greatly followed religion across the world. At different times, people wonder about these two religions and lead to compare similarities and differences between them.  As per the religion, they observe different events across the year. Under this post, we are sharing some of the points that will clear your thoughts about the specific religions.

Similarities between Islam and Christianity

When we talk about Islam and Christianity, both religions have the same belief in moral living and performing good deeds. Both religions believe to bury humans after death. It is a belief in Christianity that a hell is a place of everlasting punishment for the unrighteous (Matthew 25:46). Muslims also have a similar belief that a hell is a place of torment and fire (Quran 25:65, 104:6-7).

Differences between Islam and Christianity

There are number of points where Muslims and Christians have different views on ideology and theology. The main difference lies within the different perceptions of Jesus Christ in two of the religions.

Islam believes that Jesus was born of the virgin, Mary (AS) and Jesus was the prophet equal to other prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses. Muslims have a great belief that Muhammad (PBUH) is the final messenger of Almighty Allah and our last Prophet is superior to all the previous prophets.

While the Christians have a faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. This belief makes them have a perception that Jesus Christ is equal to God. They believe that Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity and the God Himself who came to earth in the form of a human.

Another biggest difference is seen within the Holy Books. Muslims have the Holy Quran as complete life guidance. Almighty Allah revealed the Holy Quran to our Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).  However, Christianity considers the Bible as the Noble Book which was revealed to Jesus. They follow the Bible throughout their lives.

Islam and Christianity; the major differences?

Another difference lies in the belief of the death of Jesus Christ. Islam disproves the impression that Jesus Christ was hanged on the cross. Muslims believe that Almighty Allah saved His messenger from a disgraceful death and this is why Almighty Allah took him up to Himself. In Islam, it is a firm belief that Jesus Christ will appear before the Day of Judgment as Almighty took him up alive.

However, Christians believe that the death of Jesus Christ happened on the cross. They perceive this death as the focal point of the whole religion. Consequently, they believe that Jesus Christ shed his blood to pay the price of sins of Christians.

As stated in (Hebrews 9:22),

“In fact, the law requires that nearly everything is cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”

These were some of the similarities and differences stated between Islam and Christianity. If you have more information on this topic then do share with us.
