Islamic quotes teach us several things that reflect the essence of the Holy Quran and Hadiths and these quotes ultimately ease the things that we often find difficult to understand. Under this post, we are presenting you some of the quotes of Uthman Ghani (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA) who are the two caliphs in Islam.
Hadhrat Uthman Ghani is the third caliph of Islam and greatly known for his modesty and generosity. His sayings at different times guide the Muslims well with his wisdom. Have a look at these Islamic quotes and understand their meaning to become a good human being and Muslim.
Quotes by Uthman Ghani (RA)
- Acquire two habits, the habit of speaking the truth; and the habit to do good deeds.
- Acquire wisdom from the story of the dead.
- The world is proud. Leave it alone lest it entraps by its guises, and teaches you pride which will keep you away from Allah.
- One should not feel happy at the acquisition of wealth, nor should one be grieved at its loss.
- Silence is the best cure of the malady of anger.
- Extravagance amounts to thanklessness to Allah for his gifts.
- That knowledge is blameworthy which is used solely to acquire wealth.
- Any knowledge without putting it to practice is useless.
- No one is to be held in contempt on account of poverty. Only he is to be contempt who is oblivious of his duties to Allah.
- In the event of distress, a man depends solely on his own plans and relies on the people. When he is disappointed from all sides, then alone he turns to Allah.
Umar Farooq RA
Umar Farooq (r.a.) is also known as Amir ul-Momineen and he was one of the bravest, powerful, and influential caliphs. With all his traits, he was a just and pious person and this is the reason he is also called the epitome of justice carrying all set of principles, humbleness in his strong character. Islamic kingdom spread to a greater portion of the world in his reign and indeed he led his role as a great leader that he became the perfect role model for every Muslim. Here we are mentioning some of his quotes that present the essence of a Muslim’s life.
Sayings of Hazrat Umar Farooq (r.a.):
- Avoidance of sin is lighter than the pain of remorse
- On every dishonest man, there are two watchmen, his possessions, and his way of living.
- The less of the World, the freer you live
- I fear the day when the disbelievers are proud of their falsehood & and Muslims are shy of their faith.
- When you see that any scholar loves the world, then his scholarship is in doubt.
Quotes on manners and the spread of Islam
- Doing good for a good done to you is simply repayment, whereas doing good for an evil done to you is a tremendous virtue.
- Sit with those who constantly repent, for they have the softest hearts.
- I have never regretted my silence. As for my speech, I have regretted it over and over again.
- The women, not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honored and have their rights.
- What is destined will reach you, even if it be underneath two mountains. What is not destined, will not reach you, even if it be between your two lips.
- Umar said, “Invite people to Islam even without words.” They asked, “how?” He replied, “with your manners.”
- The person I like most is the one who points out my defects.
- Stick to the truth even if the truth kills you.
- I am not a fool but I pretend to be a fool in order to fool the fool. And just when the fool thinks I am a fool, I will expose the fool and show him that he is the fool!
- When a man puts me a question, I judge his intelligence.
- May Allah have mercy on him who sends me my faults as a present.
Allah (SWT) has given us many guidelines through the Holy Quran, Hadiths, sayings of caliphs, and other Islamic quotes presented by religious personalities. The need is to just implement all the best practices in our lives to become a good Muslim.
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