Ramadan Ibadah holds greater significance to reap rewards while reflecting a positive image in our lives. Muslims worldwide are observing fasts and trying to get spiritual essence throughout this Holy month. Through this month, we make efforts to nurture patience, confine lust, lend a helping hand to others in need and the foremost thing is to attain piety.
So under this post, we are stating some Ramadan Ibadah that will bring positivity to your mind and soul.
1) Taraweeh
Taraweeh in Ramadan is the greater blessing and core Ramadan Ibadah we perform. As per the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim,
“Whoever performs the Taraweeh sunnah prayer based on faith, will receive a reward from Allah SWT and all his past sins will be forgiven.”
Performing Taraweeh is our biggest source to seek the pleasure of Almighty Allah for which we are rewarded for every single word of the Holy Quran recited. Also by performing Taraweeh, we also become a part of prospering our mosques.
2) Read the Quran
The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the month of Ramadan and every word in the Holy Quran holds the guidance for mankind. It is the high rewarding Ramadan Ibadah indeed through which we should take the full benefit so recite the Holy Quran as much as possible. By reciting it regularly, we will fill our hearts with immense spiritual light that we miss in our daily lives.
The Holy Quran makes us distinguish between good and bad and lead us closer to Allah. Even reading the 4 pages after every Fardh prayer will be enough to complete your Quran in a month.
3) Understand the Quran Tafseer
What could be the better time to learn the Quran and understand its Tafseer than the month of Ramadan Kareem. Make a proper routine to get to the Tafseer-e-Quran. Out there, there are several scholars and mufti who are teaching Tafseer-e-Quran through their social media channels including YouTube, Instagram, and their website channels. So start learning today and pass your knowledge to fellow Muslims and people from other religions.
4) Do the Iʿtikaf
I’tikaf in Ramadan is a practice where Muslims stay in mosques for the last 10 days of Ramadan. In the last Ashra, Muslims find Lailat ul Qadr in odd dates (taaq rat) of Ramadan. This Lailat ul Qadr is the night of asking forgiveness and Almighty Allah forgives His slaves if they repent sincerely.
I’tikaf is known as silent worship to Allah SWT where we devote ourselves to Allah in peace and don’t get distracted and bothered by all worldly affairs. This practice of I’tekaf leads us to calm and peace whereas brings a positive change in our lives.
One of the Hadiths in Bukhari described that the Prophet Mohammad did this sunnah (I’tikaf) twice as long (20 days) in the year that he passed away.
Riyad as-Salihin 1270, Book 9, Hadith 3
So as we are having incredible chances in our lives, we must try to do all the possible Ramadan Ibadah to please our Creator and ask forgiveness from the bottom of our hearts. Allah is all merciful and kind and it’s never too late to repent with sincerity.
May Allah guide us to the righteous path and forgive our wrongdoings and make us to paradise. Aameen.
How are you spending your Ramadan Kareem? Share with the MuslimKits and let others know about some informative tips. JazkAllah!