rights of a neighbor

Islam is the comprehensive religion that puts emphasis on the rights of human beings (for all relations) and animals as well. Our religion greatly emphasizes the rights of a neighbor at different places of the Holy Quran and Hadith.

Being a nice neighbor is not just about to serve friendly but it means to take care of the community by all means. Need is to respect and fulfill the duty to neighbors and create ease for them in all prospects of daily chores where possible.

Rights of the Neighbor in the light of Holy Qur’an

Allah says in the Quran:

“Serve God, and join not any partners with Him; and do good—to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, and the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: for God loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious.”
(Quran 4:36)

Allah orders to help humanity and along with the help for needy people, Almighty orders to strengthen the bond with neighbors and understand the duty towards them. Here are some of the rights of neighbors in the light of Islam.

Rights of the Neighbor in the light of Hadith

The Prophet Mohammad once said: “Angel Jibril advised me continuously to take care of the neighbor till I thought that Allah is to make him an inheritor.”

Another Hadith that highlights the rights of the neighbor is:

The Holy Prophet said:
That man is not from me who sleeps contentedly while his neighbor sleeps hungry.

Al-Imam `Ali ibn al-Husayn (a. s.) in his Risalat al-Huquq, said:
These are your duties towards your neighbor: Protect his interests when he is absent; show him respect when he is present; help him when he is inflicted with any injustice. Do not remain on the look-out to detect his faults; and if, by any chance, you happen to know any undesirable thing about him, hide it from others; and, at the same time, try to desist him from improper habits, if there is any chance that he will listen to you. Never leave him alone at any calamity. Forgive him, if he has done any wrong. In short, live with him a noble life, based on the highest Islamic ethical code.

Rights of a Neighbor and our duty to the Neighbors

Our duty to our neighbors include meeting the following:

  • Offer them help to the neighbors if they are in need.
  • Provide relief if he is in difficulty.
  • If he is in need of a loan then offer him the money without crushing his self-respect.
  • Do not make your buildings so higher without the neighbor’s permission as they can block their air.
  • Do not harass or bother neighbors in any issue.
  • Give them a share when you buy fruits or anything special.
  • Visit their place when he is ill.
  • Attend the funeral if someone from the neighborhood dies.
  • Congratulate him when they are having good fortune.
  • When someone from your neighborhood is in danger, it is your duty to lend a helping hand to them.

These are the rights of a neighbor as stated in our religion. No matter what circumstances you are going through, make sure to serve your neighborhood rightly.

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