We always see different sources to find the significance of Friday and to reap the best benefits out of it. Undoubtedly, Friday is the blessed day among all weekdays and that is why Allah (SWT) orders us to perform prayers and adhkar to be blessed with mercies.
Under this post, we will look at the significance of Friday in the life of Muslims and what prayers and adhkar have to perform on that day.
The significance of Friday in the life of a Muslim
It is mentioned as:
“O Muslims! Allah Ta’ala has made this day-(Friday) a day of ‘Eid’.
So have a bath on this day, whoever has perfume should apply it, and use the miswaak.”
(Ibn Majah)
In different sources, it is mentioned that Friday is an important day for Muslims and beneficial than other days of the week. On this day, Muslims gather in mosques and pray in the congregation. Moreover, before the Friday prayer, they listen to the lecture (Khutba) that is given to empower all Muslims with valuable knowledge about Islam.
We can understand the significance of Friday as Almighty has made some days and times superior and Friday is one of those blessed times. No other day has the privilege like Fridays as it contains the moments under which all prayers are accepted by Almighty.
Significance of Friday in the light of the Holy Quran
In one verse, Almighty Allah says:
“O you who believe! When the call to prayer is proclaimed on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of God and leave aside business. That is best for you if you but knew.”
(Quran 62:9)
Another verse mentions:
“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen Islam as your religion.”
(Quran 5:3)
Friday in the light of Hadiths
Prophet Muhammad told his followers that:
“The five daily prayers, and from one Friday prayer till the next, serves as an expiation for whatever sins have been committed between them, provided one does not commit any major sin.”
(Shahih Muslim)
Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, said,
“There is no day more virtuous than Friday. In it there is an hour in which no one will pray to God except that God will hear his prayer”.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“Verily, this is the Eid day (day of celebration) that God has prescribed for the Muslims”.
(Ibn Majah)
Muslims would be wise if they rightly make the most of Friday and take advantage of the blessings Allah sends down to His slaves. From all the sources, it is concluded as a day of contemplation and supplication.
Abu Hurairah reported that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. It is the day Adam was created. It is the day when Adam entered the Heavenly Gardens, the day when he was expelled from it and also the day he died. Friday is the day on which the Day of Resurrection will take place.”
(Shahih Muslim 854)
Adhkar to do on Friday
- Whoever recites ‘The Cave’ on Friday, God will give him a light to the next Friday.
- Men are obliged to attend the Friday congregational prayer at the mosque while there are acts that there are acts recommended to perform by men, women, or children during this day. These acts are taking a bath and wearing clean clothes, cutting nails, saying frequent supplications to God, sending Durood upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and reading Chapter 18 of the Quran, ‘The Cave’ (Surah Kahaf)
- Recite as much Durood as possible.
- After Salaatul Jum’ah, make sure to recite
Soorah Al Ikhlaas (112)..7 times
Soorah Al Falaq (113) ….7 times
Soorah An Naas (114)… 7 times
This recitation will protect you from evil till the next Jum’ah by the will of Almighty Allah. - Friday consists of twelve hours, one of which is the hour where supplications are granted for believers. This hour is sought during the last hour after Asr (the third prayer in the day).”
Shahih Nasai Vol. 2, Book 14, Hadith 1390
In a few words, we as a believer has a great chance to get the infinite blessings by Almighty by performing prayers and adhkar. Don’t neglect prayers due to any worldly affairs. Make your priorities towards Friday as if a believer would ignore Friday prayers three times in a row without any reason so this will make a believer lose from the straight path.
This was an informative post on the significance of Friday. If you want to add more points then do share with MuslimKits.