This pandemic era is going and it is a painful situation for whole humanity especially Muslims when their religious routines are disturbed to the greatest extent. Masjid ul Haram and Masjid e Nabwi doors are closed due to safety precautions of COVID-19 and this had not been observed ever before.
Ramadan Kareem is coming so closer and we pray that this month will bring lots of good news to every human on earth and may we hear that this virus is vanished now. Obviously this would be the greatest news for all of us.
But what if we have to pass our Ramadan in quarantine? Shouldn’t we have to prepare for spending Ramadan in Quarantine as a precaution?
Indeed we have to plan the tasks that we have to perform throughout the Holy month of Ramadan Kareem even when we are quarantined. Under this post, we are trying to hook you up with the best of routine you can plan in this restricted era of Quarantine.
Let us have a look here.
Prior panning of Ramadan
Ramadan is a few days away from us now and we have little time to do as much planning to spend this precious time at best. Make the list of things you can do like arranging all eatery stuff for iftar and sehr, reorganizing the prayer area, setting up the clothes for ibadah and doing other home cleaning stuff. All you can do is writing down all the points in the Ramadan planner that will create ease to remember all tasks to perform in time.
Make Ramadan best time to reap fruits
Ramadan Kareem is the month in which Almighty Allah rewards prayers (Fard and Nawafil) seventy times more than usual days.
Sayyidina Salman (RA) reports: “On the last day of Sha’baan, the Messenger of ALLAH addressed us and said:
“O People! There comes upon you now a great month, a most blessed month in which lies a night greater in worth than one thousand months. It is a month in which ALLAH has made compulsory that the fasting should be observed by day, and He has made the standing (taraweeh) by night a sunnah. Whosoever tries drawing nearer to ALLAH by performing any virtuous deed in this month, for him shall be such reward as if he had performed a Fard in any other time of the year. And whoever performs a Fard for him shall be the reward of seventy Fard in any other time of the year.
So make sure to pray fard and nawafil in this month where you will be rewarded higher by the mercy of Almighty Allah.
Do the Holy Quran recitation
Since in quarantine, you have to limit yourself to the home only, so you have more time to recite Holy Quran along with its tafseer. The whole year, you were unable to find time to recite and understand the essence of Quran Kareem but it is the best time to utilize your time and increase your connection with Allah (SWT)
Offer Taraweeh prayer
Taraweeh is the beauty of Ramadan Kareem. So offer taraweeh prayers even if you can’t go to mosques. You can offer this prayer behind the imamat of Hafiz (if someone is in your home). Else you can also perform taraweeh yourself by reciting little surahs of Quran. These prayers will lead you to an immense satisfaction of spirituality while building a strong connection with Almighty Allah.
Fill your Ramadan with adhkar and duas
Spending Ramadan in quarantine and in this lockdown seems tough. Everyone is scared and having some sort of anxiety. So what is better than the weapon of dua that we can use against this pandemic era. This is the best time coming to fill our time with all adhkar and duas we know. Even if duas are small, you can make a routine to recite them daily in the morning or evening.
These are all the points you can consider when spending Ramadan in Quarantine. It is ultimately the best time to pour your heart out to Allah and share your all stresses, anxieties, worries, fears, and hopes with Him. He is the only one who knows us best and He is the most merciful showering all mercy on his creatures.
May we do our best to please our creators. If you have any thoughts about spending Ramadan in quarantine then do share with MuslimKits.
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