Death is an undeniable fact that we face throughout our lives. Dealing with death or losing a loved one is such a hard task that sometimes it acts on our nerves. In such a grief-stricken and devastating moment, the Holy Quran guides us really well and gives us a ray of hope.
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhī rājiʿūn
Surely, we belong to Allah, and to him shall we return
According to Qur’an 2:156, a soul belongs to Allah and will return to Him in time.
In such and hard times, the Noble book of the Holy Quran motivates us to turn to Allah to ask for patience and peace.
Here are some advices that can help us to get through thick and thin.
1. Dua (Supplications)
Duas or supplications are indeed the greatest weapons for us. Even the person is present in our lives or departed to Almighty Allah, we can mention them in our duas and ask mercy from Almighty Allah. The little things and duas are really great in the eyes of Allah and these aspects become the reason for pleasing Almighty Allah. So, ask forgiveness for all the people you know or even for unknown Muslims. Allah accepts the prayers of those who ask for others as well.
2. Seek Sabr (Patience)
Indeed one of the hardest attributes to hold when experiencing the grief of the death of a loved one or losing someone in life is observing patience or Sabr. In a tough situation and nerve-wracking pain, allow yourself to heal and have some time to understand the situation. Sabr is the name of reliance to the Almighty Allah and put whole contentment to the decree of Allah.
We can lead to patience knowing that Allah never burdens a soul more than he/she can bear.
3. Forgiveness for the Deceased
We go through several disagreements in life with one another and these lead to holding grudges against one another. Thus, it is the best gift to forgive your deceased loved one for any misbehave or wrongdoing they had done. By forgiving that person, you are freeing yourself from all the grudges and being merciful to the deceased one. It also leads you to have mercy from Almighty Allah that is indeed one of the great blessings.
4. Do Sadaqa (Charity)
Along with all other aspects, one of the great things you can do for the departed soul is to do sadqa on their behalf. You can take part in water supply projects, build mosques, donate clothes, food and giving schooling to needy ones. These are all part of Sadqa that can bring you and the deceased one all the gigantic rewards from Almighty Allah. Apart from these tasks, one can also perform Hajj or Umrah in the name of the deceased one.
5. Occupy Yourself in Routine
Healing is a long process and we need time to get towards healing. But it is necessary to keep moving ahead and involve in a routine that can keep your mind busy. Keeping yourself busy in routine tasks will become your healthy distraction and channel out your efforts to do something good and effective. We all know that we are never prepared for any pain in life but Allah (SWT) soothes us with the words that every hardship will ease (Qur’an: Chapter 94 verse 5).
These were some pieces of advice to get over the loss of a loved one by the Islamic views. If you want to add some of the useful tips here then write to us. JazakAllah!
May we all find ease in all our affairs and get to healing from all the painful matters. Aameen!