This is how my Ramadan 2018 went…
I finally wake up and groggily find my phone. It reads 1:30 pm.
Today is Jummah, the first Jummah of this Ramadan. I had planned to do so much today, like wake up early, shower, prepare for iftar early so I could spend the evening memorizing Quran and doing some dhikr, and finally reach the mosque early for their halaqa before the Jummah prayer. But, after another night wasted staying up till suhoor, I just could not wake up in time.
I try to shower as quick as possible and make my way to the mosque. I missed most of the khutba but made it in time for the prayer. Afterwards, I have to do some errands, pick up my sister from school, and fit in some time to study for my upcoming tests. By the time I return home, it is 5 pm and I’m exhausted. After praying Asr, I decide to lie down for a few minutes and rest. Of course…I end up falling asleep.
My mom wakes me up around 7 pm and I am filled with guilt and resentment at myself for wasting my day yet again. With an hour till iftar there is little I can do. I go downstairs and help my mom cook and set the table.
After iftar, I help clean up and feeling so full from a heavy meal, I relax until its time for Taraweeh. By the time I return home, there are a few hours till suhoor and although I know I should either sleep or pray tahajjud, I grab a snack and catch up on the episode of the show I missed in the evening.
I think about how I also wanted to stay fit this Ramadan and continue going to the gym and how I am already days behind on the Arabic course I signed up for and how I still have not memorised even one more surah like I had wanted.
Yet, I still do not do anything because now it is nearly time for suhoor and immediately after Fajr I crash into bed.
And so the cycle repeats itself. This is how each of my Ramadans has gone the last few years.
Pre-Ramadan 2019
This year I am determined to break that cycle and accomplish all of my goals. I want to read the entire Quran, memorize the last juz of the Quran, attend weekly halaqas, and be consistent in my learning of Arabic. I also want to maintain a healthy diet and fit in workouts. Additionally, I have classes to attend and assignments to complete.
It seems ambitious to do all this in just 30 days, but with some planning and discipline, I know it is possible, inshAllah.
To meet my goals, I have invested in a beautiful Ramadan planner. I will schedule my days, track my progress, and reflect on what I have learned. Time is one the greatest blessings from Allah and during this Ramadan, with my planner, I will make the most of my time.