Ramadan has just started and the ambiance is radiating the blissful vibes across. The preparations for the month of Ramadan are continually in full swing. Being a Muslim, we don’t get tired of waiting for the blessed month of Ramadan throughout the eleven months of the calendar. As the month of Shaban ul Muazzam arrives, most of the people start preparing intensely with either household decorations or learning of Islamic values.
The Blessed days and nights
The month of Ramadan Kareem is filled with the whole spirit of giving and sharing. It gives us the opportunity to look for the needy people and help them to live a better life. Besides it, Ramadan is the Holy month under which Muslims fall into practice of all prayers and recitation of Quran Kareem along with charitable actions.
Different communities tremendously organize the events of charity to help out all the people who are suffering from poverty and lack of resources. So, Ramadan is proved to be the best time for the initiation of good activities with an attempt to start a new point of life after this month as well.
In this regard, it is always better to create a list of things you would like to do and achieve in the month. So make sure to plan on achieving the spiritual goals immensely. The more you will know about this Holy month, the more you can apply and reap all the rewards.
Preparations to do
- Make your rooms clean specifically the prayer area while it would be good to decorate it with some stuff to give the space a bundle of positive vibes. (It can either be different Wooden Lantern sets or Ramadan embossed pillow or posters. Check out the the muslimkit for such serene product lists.
- Explore the beautiful Ramadan planners designed by Muslim Kit. These planners are readily facilitating all people to organize their daily tasks and goals.
- Organize your clothes in a tidy manner so that it could be a time saver for you and give you peaceful sensations throughout the prayers.
- The significant part of preparations for the month of Ramadan is about food. Thus, prepare the foodstuff as much as possible and freeze it to save time throughout the days and nights of Ramadan.
- Start practicing Sunnah in different aspects and get towards performing extra prayers in the Holy month.
- Recite and reflect through the Quran so that it can be implemented in all aspects of life.
- Repent and make lots of Duas for having mindful practices.
- Plan a diet to eat healthy and moderately so that you can restfully perform Taraweeh every night.
- The Qayam-ul-Lail is the essence of Ramadan Kareem. Therefore make sure to pray soulfully with attentiveness.
- Be prepared to give charity and it will be worthwhile to pen down the amount to be disseminated.
Through all our prayers, we really incline to appreciate the beauty of Ramadan as it will put our soul at ease all over. Thus, when doing the preparations for the month of Ramadan, do it with all your heart and remember the ones who are in need for the betterment of life.