Ramadan is the best time to have a break from the regular routine and go an extra mile to work out in Ramadan. It is proved to be a good time for those who are looking to shed some pounds along with prayers and reflection. Though it is a tiring month for Muslims, one can always make time for exercises. Some people prefer to create an exercise plan prior to the month and choose their own time of workout either before or after iftar.
When should you work out in Ramadan?
- Before Iftar
If you have a busy schedule all day long then workout could be done before iftar considering proper guidelines. However, exercising before iftar should be limited to 60 minutes or less in an air-conditioned place. After breaking the fast make sure to drink a suitable amount of water and juices to recover the level of salts and minerals lost throughout the day. - After Iftar
It is suggested to perform physical activities after three hours of breaking the fast as by that time body is well within the digestion process. This workout should also be done in an air-conditioned room.
It is apparent that the worst time to go to the gym is during the middle of the day while you are fasting because you will become exhausted and will not be able to replenish your fluids. But if that is the only spare time you are having then you can spend 20-30 minutes doing low-intensity workouts. As a motivation, you can push yourself for increased work out duration knowing that you will be breaking fast soon.
How long should you work out during Ramadan?
If you have decided to work out in Ramadan, then you can drive yourselves to work out for longer duration as compared to your usual days. It is recommended to start off slow in the first few days of Ramadan and once you have tested your endurance, then it is fine to increase the duration of work out for up to an hour.
What should you eat to gain energy for exercising during Ramadan?
Choosing the right diet is very essential in Ramadan as it helps to properly fuel the body throughout the day. Dietitians suggested taking smoothies as they are a great way to retain nutrients in a shorter time. These drinks can be loaded with peanut butter, fruits and chia seeds to have an enriching effect.
How to stay hydrated while working out in Ramadan?
To remain hydrated especially in workout routines, take coconut water after exercises after you have finished fasting, of course. Other than that, soups packed with vegetables and meat are a good way to cope up with energy loss in fasting. Food containing a high amount of water can also be the best choice to refill the water levels and the best example of water-enriched foods are watermelon and salads.
What food you should avoid during Ramadan?
Ramadan is a time for fasting and our stomach gets sensitive during these days. Thus it is better to choose lighter food that can be easy on your workout plan, too. Make sure to list down all the healthier options of vegetables, grilled meat/fish or drinks in order to create ease in following up on the plan.
Stay healthy, and share your own personal tips for how to best work out this Ramadan below.