It is always said that do not underestimate the power of dua. Verily it can do miracles that no one ever imagines in life. It protects us from hardship, unseen troubles, and dangers that can harm us. It is also mentioned in different hadiths that dua has the power to change one’s destination. Our life in this world is categorized by different situations either happy or sad. Not any person faces complete happiness or misery. Indeed life is a test by Allah (SWT).
The Noble book Holy Qur’an says:
“He is the One that has created Life and Death in order to test who amongst you is best in conduct.”
(Qur’an, 67:2)
Happy moments and favorable conditions required us to be thankful to Allah (SWT) and other miserable times demand us to be patient by seeking the help of Allah. However, there are times and special moments when Dua is accepted right away and when no supplication is rejected.
“Fa inna lillaahi saa’aatan laa yuraddo fihin ne saa’ilan”
“For verily Allah has certain times wherein no person who asks is rejected.”
Hazrat Jabir Radhiallahu Anhu reported in Mishkat as:
“Do not curse yourselves and do not curse your possessions or your children. Let it not be such, that your dua is made at such a time when Allah accepts your dua.”
How the power of Dua does miracles?
Under this post, we are mentioning the real story in which dua did a very miracle at the moment.
So it starts with a well-known doctor whose name is Dr. Saeed. He was on his way to another city for attending a prestigious conference and for this event, he was really excited. But soon after his plane got a takeoff, the pilot announced the emergency landing at the airport due to some problems in plane. He was afraid that he could not be able to reach to the conference on time but yet he got to the information desk to ask about some available flight. But that was all in vain. The officer at the information desk suggested to take a car and went to another city by the motorway as it was the only way to attend the conference.
The Journey
Seeing all the circumstances, he rented a car and starts his journey towards another city hoping to reach in time. But soon after, the weather got suddenly changed and heavy storm came in his way. The heavy rain made it hard for him to see anything. This stopped him to cover the journey ahead. Afterward, he started searching for a sign of civilization to stay there for a while. Finally, he came across a small cottage and knocked on the door. An elderly woman opened the door and the doctor asked for help as if he could use her phone.
The lady politely told him that she is not having any phone or electric supply but yes she gave him some food and drink. Having the food alongside, he watched the lady going in sujood and making dua. Every now and then, she makes dua with tears and goes in prostration. The doctor realized that the lady might have some problems. So he asked the lady if he could help her. The lady said that Allah (SWT) has accepted all my prayers except the one.
The Miracle
The doctor gently asked if she wanted to tell him about the problem. She started explaining that the child in the crib is her grandson that had a rare kind of cancer and the doctors here are unable to treat him. She heard by other people that a doctor who could handle this disease lives far away from this place. And this why I am making Dua to reach Dr. Saeed who could give treatment to my grandson.
Hearing the whole story, the tears started to flow down from his cheeks and he said:
SubhanAllah, Allah (SWT) has accepted your prayer. My plane was malfunctioned and a thunderstorm hit in the middle of my way and I came to you to find the way. He has answered your prayer not by taking you to the doctor but bringing Dr. Saeed to your place. I am Dr. Saeed whom you were searching for. With tears rolling down the lady’s cheeks, she raised her hands and praised Allah that how merciful Allah is and how the power of dua works unbelievably.
Mention of Dua in the Holy Quran
Every aspect of life and guidance is given Holy Qura’an and the same is explained for Dua. Here is couple of verse on the significance of dua.
Allah (SWT) says: “[…] And whoever fears Allah—He will make for him a way out / And will provide for him from where he does not expect […]”
(Qur’an 65:2-3)
Allah (SWT) also says: “And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me—indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of every supplicant when he calls upon Me […]”
(Qur’an 2:186)
Sometimes the power of dua is unexplainable as it has infinite ways of saving lives. Sometimes duas are answered immediately and there are times when dua is answered after quite long and sometimes duas are kept safe for Aakhira (the day of Judgement). However, our duas bring miraculous results and transform our lives.
Have you experienced a miracle with the power of Dua? Share your words with us.